How We Served as a Force Multiplier for LWES’s Small Marketing Team

With only seven full-time employees, Latrina Walden Exam Solutions didn’t have the bandwidth to interview customers, create case studies, and figure out how to market them. 

So they partnered with Case Study Buddy. 

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Latrina Walden Exam Solutions (LWES) offers test prep courses to help Nurse Practitioners pass certification exams, and it provides support to students and alumni as they pursue their dream careers.

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What we provided:

  • Project management
  • Interviewing
  • Content creation
  • Strategy


Scaling up a small team’s marketing efforts

After years of relying on word-of-mouth referrals to generate new business, it was time for Latrina Walden Exam Solutions (LWES) to expand its reach. They began exploring paid marketing.

The #1 question was what content was going to resonate with LWES’s core audience, Nurse Practitioners? If LWES invested in the wrong type of content, leads would never even glance at it—and that would just be flushing marketing dollars down the drain.

Janiece Jenkins, COO, says, “This industry is very niche. Nurse Practitioners are so straightforward. They have heavy schedules. They don’t want to read paragraphs and paragraphs of fluff. So we have to give it to them quick: here’s exactly how this benefits you.”

LWES needed case studies. No content could hold a candle to the persuasive power of personal experience. Testimonials from alumni who had used courses to pass board exams and launch dream careers would convert new leads better than any other type of content they could invest in.

“We have brand ambassadors and people leaving reviews on Facebook, but we needed something that dug a little deeper. NPs don’t have time to look through 1,000 reviews,” Janiece says.

But this presented a challenge for LWES. With only seven full-time employees, nobody had the bandwidth to interview customers, create case studies from scratch, and figure out how to market them. Spending hours on that process would leave less time for building brand awareness, promoting courses and services, and engaging with students—all vital components of LWES’s brand.

“With only seven of us, you can imagine how much work we’re doing individually. We needed someone to focus, sit with our students, and dive into their stories. We didn’t have the time or energy.”

Janiece Jenkins, (COO, Latrina Walden Exam Solutions)


Crystal clear value proposition

Case Study Buddy delivered exactly what LWES needed: a team of specialists focused exclusively on creating customer success stories.

“Case Study Buddy’s offer was very clear-cut: these are our prices; this is what we can do for you. We made our deposit and the process was seamless,” Janiece says.

LWES already had some students lined up that they wanted to champion. Nurse Practitioners like Fiji Simmons mirrored the types of students they wanted to attract. They also showcased exactly how specific courses, like the Bronze Max Bundle and the Bronze Clinical Crash Course had improved life for these students.

After the introduction, Case Study Buddy did all the heavy lifting.

“When Case Study Buddy jumped in, it was like, ‘We got it from here. You give me a few details or you give me the contact information, and we will make the process extremely seamless for you.’ It was no hassle for us, to say the least,” Janiece says.

Deep-cut stories to persuade new leads

In one summer, Case Study Buddy interviewed three LWES students. In just 30 minutes, Case Study Buddy’s interviewer captured key details, including the challenges that led each person to seek out LWES and how its courses changed their lives:

  • Tammy Pesaresi shared how Latrina Walden helped her pass her AANP exam and then land a job.
  • Fiji Simmons shared how she had failed her board exam twice and finally passed after joining LWES.
  • LaKeisha Turner, a year-one LWES graduate, shared how LWES helped her kickstart her dream career.

Any hesitation that Janiece had felt at handing off a student to Case Study Buddy evaporated as she listened to the first interview.

“The case studies and the interviews… they were phenomenal! After hearing the detail that interviewers were able to extract, I said, ‘Wow. Y’all gave your whole life story in these case studies.’ We were super impressed that they had that much to say about us and we’re super happy,” she says.

Case studies that look like they were created in-house

Case Study Buddy turned each interview into a beautiful, branded case study. The LWES team was floored by the finished products.

“We sent Case Study Buddy some branding material and, honestly, they nailed it on the first go-around. Our team loves them. We were like, ‘Wow, this is super fancy.” Janiece laughs.

The attention to detail extended beyond color palettes and font choices too—each story told a deeply personal story that touched on the heart of what LWES has to offer and how its courses and community have literally changed lives for its students.

“We got our first case study back and it was flawless. The branding was good—the way they incorporated our brand colors, as well as our voice. For Case Study Buddy to capture that was very important to us,” she says.

In just a handful of months, LWES had the persuasive content they needed to make their new paid marketing push a success—and barely anyone on the team had to lift a finger in the process.

“Feedback was easy—super easy. During edits, we supplied some Nurse Practitioner jargon, and everything was changed within a day. There were no issues whatsoever,” Janiece says.

Case Study Buddy added value by making it easy for us to capture client stories. We move so quickly here—we have to, with the industry we’re in. Having a partner to streamline the process is invaluable.”

Janiece Jenkins (COO, Latrina Walden Exam Solutions)


The best sales assets with minimal hassle

All three case studies now live on Latrina Walden’s website—but that’s not all. Case Study Buddy also helped Janiece squeeze each story for extra value, by suggesting other ways to repurpose them in email campaigns, marketing pushes for their demo course, and more.

“The value was we didn’t just get a case study. We also got a team that was helping us think bigger. Case Study Buddy knows what they’re doing, so to have access to their team and knowledge on how to utilize your asset in different spaces is huge,” she says.

Every case study is a long-term investment, and Case Study Buddy is the strategic partner that helps LWES continue to capture student stories, turn them into content, and gain maximum value from each.

“Nobody on our team had the time or the effort to dive into these stories to, first of all, make sure that we had a complete story and, second of all, make it look as great as it does,” Janiece says. “I enjoy how Case Study Buddy takes out the extra work. They come in with a full A-Z process that makes everything extremely seamless and they deliver an end product that we—and our students—are happy with. We don’t have the time to do that.”

Now, Janiece says that case studies are the gift that keeps on giving—as students read about the success of their peers, it’s going to inspire a new wave of case study candidates.

“We have a good product. Scratch that—we have a great product,” she laughs. “So all that’s left is getting it in front of more eyes. Case studies help us do that. So I look forward to having more people for Case Study Buddy to interview soon.”

“Being able to hand off our students to a third party that we trust is everything. We get to focus entirely on building relationships with our students, while Case Study Buddy captures the stories we need to grow our business.”

Janiece Jenkins (COO, Latrina Walden Exam Solutions)

Don’t let limited bandwidth stop you from creating your next best marketing asset.

Case Study Buddy does the heavy lifting—so you don’t have to.
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