How We Helped Docebo Create 41 Case Study Assets in 14 Months

BY Laurie Zottmann
April 5, 2023

Docebo’s AI-powered learning suite is a favorite for global enterprises, helping them deliver engaging and effective learning programs for their employees, partners, and customers.

But when Docebo’s sales and marketing teams needed a higher volume of targeted case studies, the company’s small content team was overwhelmed.

Enter Case Study Buddy.

With a full complement of experts in written, audio, and video case study formats, Case Study Buddy delivered an end-to-end, white-glove service that included strategy, communications, and production for multi-asset case study projects.

While Docebo’s teams focused on supporting their valued customers, they received:

???? 41 case study assets matched to their sales and marketing goals
???? 7 different formats to deploy throughout the customer journey
???? 50 more assets on order to power the next quarter’s growth objectives

We spoke to Ian Brusenhan, Customer Marketing Specialist at Docebo. She shared why it was so important for her team to get case studies produced at scale and how Case Study Buddy helped level up their strategy for more wins while maintaining outstanding customer care.


Q: What made you start looking for a case study partner?

Ian: At Docebo, we love celebrating our customers’ successes. But our content team had so many projects on the go that case studies were falling to the wayside.

We needed a partner who could help us scale up our customer story production, strategize the way we select candidates, and get our case study assets out there in more of our activities and campaigns.

Q: How was limited case study production impacting the company?

Ian: Our sales people always wanted more case studies. Specifically, they needed stories that covered more industries so they could say to their leads, “Here’s a customer just like you. They were struggling with the same challenge, and look what they achieved with Docebo.”

Our team couldn’t keep up with their requests or with the lineup of customers who wanted to be part of our case study program. We needed a partner who could accelerate production and scale with us as we grew.

Q: What were you hoping to upgrade about your case study strategy?

Ian: We used to only publish video testimonials. We would interview the customer ourselves, edit a clip, and put the YouTube link on our website with the stats from the story. But with such limited information, we couldn’t really convey the true value of the partnership.

We wanted to offer more ways to digest the content, like a summary of the case study and an opportunity to download the full story, so readers could relate to the customer, see what was cool about their implementation, and then dig deeper to learn why the partnership was such a success.

“Our team couldn’t keep up with case study requests. We needed a partner who could accelerate production and scale with us as we grew.”


Q: What’s the most important feature of Case Study Buddy’s service?

Ian: Our customers are first and foremost, so for case studies, we need to hand them off to a partner we trust.

Everything we’ve heard from our clients and internal teams who’ve worked with Case Study Buddy has been positive. We rest easy knowing that our customers are having a great experience.

An intro to one of Docebo’s case studies, featuring a link to download the story.

Q: What makes Case Study Buddy so customer-friendly?

Ian: Their involvement has streamlined the entire process, from booking interviews to reviewing drafts, in a way that makes sense for everyone.

Case Study Buddy’s project manager keeps things moving when we’re waiting on our internal teams for edits and is dedicated to keeping us and our customers updated.

Q: How has your approach to case studies changed through the partnership?

Ian: I would say, our strategy has become more intentional.

Before, our process was very manual and ad-hoc in terms of how we investigated potential candidates, created the final product, and published the assets. I’d be sitting there in the weeds, doing all of the tasks myself, and getting lost in the story.

Now, I can just identify the most important thing that the story needs to focus on, and then pass it off to Case Study Buddy.

A screenshot of Docebo’s Customer page with a great variety of case study headlines.

Q: How do you know the end products will meet your needs?

Ian: There’s a high level of mutual respect in the partnership. The last thing I would ever want to do is waste our client’s time, and Case Study Buddy feels the same way.

So, I do my very best to set everyone up for success, and Case Study Buddy provides me with the absolute best possible case study assets.

I spend probably an hour or two completing the brief for each case study. The Case Study Buddy team uses it to prepare for the interviews and create drafts that showcase our key value propositions in our customers’ words.

Q: What can your team do now that they couldn’t before?

Ian: On top of getting more strategic with our case studies, we’re also able to contribute more to our customer advocacy activities.

Docebo has a very active customer Community, where we do everything from webinars and on-demand learning sessions, to virtual conferences and in-person meet-ups.

Being able to hand off our case studies gives us more time to support our customers, and that leads to more success stories that we can share.


Some of Docebo’s LinkedIn posts for their popular Community events.

Q: What made you decide to double your order with Case Study Buddy?

Ian: Once we’d produced a few case studies with them, we saw how well the partnership was working.

We liked the final product. Our clients were happy. And soon, more account managers within our organization started handing off customers to me. We even had more customers raising their hands and asking to get involved in the case study process.

I had an actual pipeline going of case study candidates. In order to keep up with the influx, I bought a bigger package from Case Study Buddy. I knew they would help me get the stories out effectively and efficiently.

“We liked the final product, and our clients were happy. We had more customers asking to get involved in the case study process, so we doubled our order.”



Q: How do you define the success of your partnership with Case Study Buddy?

Ian: Every time I share a case study internally, I get Slack messages from sales reps saying things like, “Oh, my gosh. I have a deal that completely matches this use case and industry. I’m going to send this to my prospect right now.”

It is a huge bonus for our reps to have on hand the kind of content they need to close sales. And they wouldn’t have it without Case Study Buddy and their targeted approach.

Q: How do the assets contribute to Docebo’s growth goals?

Ian: In the sales cycle, prospects want references. And that’s a huge ask of our customers.

But by having case studies targeted for our key industries and use cases, it alleviates the need for a reference.

Case Study Buddy gives us reusable content that we can share over and over again. It’s just money in the bank.

Q: How has expert case study production helped refine your strategy?

Ian: With all these case studies, it’s like we have a content machine.

I’ve got a high-level view of how many stories we have in different industries and use cases, and can identify our strongest features. I can also see where the gaps are and choose customers from the pipeline to fill them.

In our partnership with Case Study Buddy, I’ve become more confident in our customer stories program and the content we have to share.

Q: What would you say to another company who wants to scale up their customer story efforts?

Ian: No one can sell your product better than your customer. It’s critical to give them a voice, whether it’s in a written case study, a video testimonial, or my favorite, an audiogram.

Case Study Buddy can provide every format you need and make the process seamless for you and a pleasure for your best customers.

Hear for yourself why Ian thinks having a wide library of case studies in multi-media formats is essential for growth:

Scale your marketing efforts with a strategic case study partner.

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Contact us to learn more.

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