
What the Top 50 SaaS Companies Do With Their Case Studies (Free Report!)

Learn valuable lessons for creating your customer case studies and video testimonials at scale. If you’ve ever looked at your company’s case studies and wondered: How many customer success stories should you have? Should you prioritize written case studies over video testimonials? Or vice versa? How long should your written case studies be? How can you help prospects (and your sales team) find case studies that are most relevant to them? How should you lay out your written case studies...

BY Holly Yoos

How to Build Case Study SOPs

By our estimates, only 1% of companies manage to publish a steady stream of customer stories.  Want to join them?  To build case studies at scale, you need to set up a systematic, step-by-step process for surfacing good candidates, making the ask, and producing a study that will convince prospects and wow leads.  In other words, you need some standard operating procedures (SOPs) for your case study production process.  1. What is a case study SOP? A standard operating procedure...

BY Sam Harrison

Why Your Case Study Needs a Customer Headshot

In a recent survey of the customer success pages of the top 50 SaaS companies, we were surprised to find that only 28% of those companies included a headshot of the customer interviewed in their case studies. And even where we did find headshots, they weren’t always included consistently. This lack of customer headshots is troubling because they’re an important trust indicator. They make the customer success story more believable and demonstrate that a real, living person is saying all...

BY Holly Yoos

How to Get Your Sales and CSM Teams to Help With Case Studies

How do you get your sales and customer success managers to help with case studies? “We need to get more case studies done, but the sales/accounts team is over-protective, unresponsive, and won’t help!” I often hear this complaint from marketing and customer marketing teams who are tasked with producing case studies at scale, but are getting stonewalled by other internal teams. If other internal teams won’t help with surfacing customer stories or helping with reference programs, it’s a huge problem:...

BY Joel Klettke

How to Drive Curiosity—and Conversions—With Your Customer Case Study

We’re all surrounded by marketing content. It’s everywhere—in our social feeds, email inbox, Google searches, YouTube channels, etc. Within this deluge of advertising and information, how can you stand out and capture the eyeballs of your target audience? What will stop them in their tracks and spur them to connect with you? Often, the solution lies in a subtle marketing concept: the curiosity gap. What the heck is a curiosity gap? In marketing, a curiosity gap is a persuasion technique...

BY Laurie Zottmann

How to Choose the Right Person for a Video Testimonial

You have a customer success story you’re ready to share with the world with a video testimonial, a written case study, and social media graphics. But first, you have to decide whom to interview. Sometimes the answer is straightforward. But when a project is complex, involving multiple teams and people, whom should you ask to participate? Should you go with the CEO? The head of the most relevant department? The head of the team? Someone involved in the hands-on implementation? Here...

BY Holly Yoos

Why You Need B-Roll Footage for Your Customer Video Testimonial

B-roll in customer testimonial videos can make or break the entire experience. Given its name, you might think “B-roll” footage isn’t important. But good B-roll footage can take a wandering interview and transform it into a tight, cohesive, customer video testimonial that grabs the attention of your target audience. That’s why when you work with our team to create a customer video testimonial, one of the first things we’ll talk to you about is B-roll footage. But first, let’s clarify...

BY Holly Yoos

11 Ways to Use Audiogram Testimonials in B2B Marketing

How useful are audiograms in your B2B marketing? Try combining the persuasive power of testimonial quotes, live customer references, and streaming media into a single, irresistible asset. That’s right. Audiogram testimonials are the bomb for corporate sales persuasion. They deliver a triple-threat of credibility, memorability, and laser-targeted messaging about exactly who you help and what results you deliver. If you’re not already using them to promote yourself (and your case study content) in every channel, you will be soon. Why...

BY Laurie Zottmann

THIS is What’s Stopping Your Case Studies in Their Tracks

Fear kills more case studies than rejection or refusal ever will. And that fear applies to both parties involved: both you and your customer. Fortunately, you can mitigate (and even eliminate) those fears if you know what they are and what to do about them. So let’s take a closer look at where fear comes into play—and what you (and our Case Study Buddy team) can do to shut it down. 1. Fear of asking Companies shoot themselves in both...

BY Holly Yoos

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